What is the "Daily Health Score"?

In your Diib Dashboard, you'll see a widget called "Daily Health Score" that changes every day. Here's what your score means and why it changes.

The Daily Health Score is like a check-up for your website! It shows you how well your site is performing overall by combining historical data and insights from our prediction engine. It’s designed to give you a clear snapshot of how your website is doing right now and how it’s growing over time.

How Is the Score Calculated?

Your score takes into account both long-term trends and short-term changes, so you’re seeing a balanced view of your website’s performance. It’s based on 12 key metrics, including:

  • Returning Traffic: How many of your visitors keep coming back?
  • Bounce Rate: Are visitors sticking around or leaving quickly?
  • Social Performance: How well is your website doing on social media?

We don’t just look at these metrics individually—we also analyze how they’re changing over time to measure both your growth rate and the “speed of your growth.”

How Accurate Is the Score?

With over 600,000 websites on our platform, we’ve fine-tuned the Daily Health Score to be as accurate and reliable as possible. It’s a powerful way to see how your website stacks up against others and where you can improve.

What Does Your Score Mean?

  • Close to 100% or Higher: Your website is performing great! Keep up the good work.
  • Lower Scores: This might highlight areas to focus on, like improving content, driving more traffic, or engaging visitors better.

The Daily Health Score gives you an easy-to-understand overview of your website’s performance and helps you track progress over time. Think of it as your website’s daily pulse—keeping you informed and on track!